Kentish Drovers Wetherspoons (Review)

This afternoon I did another mystery dine, this time at the Kentish Drovers in Peckham. I opted for the lasagne at £5.20 as I had a bit of a craving, and added a small portion of six onion rings at £1.19. I also had a Pepsi at £1.80, but when ordering the lasagne and drink together, I got a discount of £1.01 – win! I had a rather amusing encounter with a rather nice old guy at the bar. I hadn’t had the chance to take my gloves off yet and he commented that it was boiling outside and that I was silly for having them on still. I said that I had cold hands and he replied back with “you must have a warm heart then” haha! You do find the most random people in pubs! Anyway, getting distracted…

I found myself a comfy booth to sit in, and my food arrived within 10 minutes. Not gonna lie, the lasagne looked like a big slop on a plate as half the mince filling was pouring out the side and there was no definition in the layers. But the side salad looked rather appealing and fresh, and it came with a small pot of dressing too. The onion rings looked the most appealing I’ve ever seen them at a Wetherspoons – golden and crisp, although I’m not too sure how an onion ring barely bigger than the size of my thumb counts as one of of my six onion rings!

Looks can be deceiving after all since digging into my lasagne was actually a fairly pleasant experience and it tasted pretty good! There white sauce was nice and cheesy, and the mince had a nice, rich, tomatoey taste to it. I guess you could say that the slightly burnt edge added a bit of je ne sais quoi to it all. All in all, the meal was better than I was expecting, and the random old man at the bar topped off the visit.

Kentish Drovers Wetherspoons Lasagne and Side Salad

Kentish Drovers on Urbanspoon

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